Feb. 8, 2018

Recapping The X Files: Plus One - Doppelgangers and Insights

In this episode, Heather Woodward and Alex delve into a detailed recap and review of 'The X Files' Season 11, Episode 3 titled 'Plus One.' They explore the intricate plot involving doppelgangers, the performances of the cast, especially the recurring role of the actress playing Judy Poundstone, and the show's cinematic elements.

Recapping The X Files: Plus One - Doppelgangers and Insights

In this episode, hosts Heather Woodward and Alex delve into a detailed recap and review of 'The X Files' Season 11, Episode 3 titled 'Plus One.' They explore the intricate plot involving doppelgangers, the performances of the cast, especially the recurring role of the actress playing Judy Poundstone, and the show's cinematic elements. Additionally, they discuss character relationships, particularly between Mulder and Scully, and the broader themes of the episode, such as aging and motherhood. The hosts also critique the episode’s production quality and continuity, comparing it to previous seasons while looking ahead to future episodes.


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Music by: “Guiton Sketch” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License